Black Boxing!

As the show wraps filming this week in NY we're almost half way through scoring the episodes. The sound colors and textures of the show are becoming more and more of a natural landscape for all the stories and characters in the show.  We're feeling really excited about the sonic universe this show embodies. It has been such a pleasure to work with the creator Amy because she has such a bold vision for the show. As with the characters, the sound is unique and unconventional, thank goodness!

A note about the trailers online and on ABC, those have nothing to do with our score, and the sound of the show couldn't be farther from those trailers.  So, sadly it won't give you a view of the score, but you certainly can hear all the sounds in episode 1 staring April 24th 10PM. 

For now, we're continuing to write and record heavy hitting jazz musicians in Brooklyn.